
i fucking hate turtles

2021-06-11 . Written by fishie

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its amazing how they lasted this long. those tasty mfs are born just to die. they dont even try to live. fuck you mean you wanna lay eggs on the same spot you was born in??? mf just lay yo eggs somewhere safe bro damn. and then once the damn eggs are laid those fuckers are sensitive as fuck and then they hatch like what half of them or something? and these tiny fuckers are lucky if they make it to the ocean alive. and from there its fuck all. these dumb mfs know only one thing. survive. and you cant even do that right. how you gonna have a whole ass shell just for survival and still be endangered? mf you born with a rent free apartment how you out here getting nae naed by everything.

literally every other animal: yo ima like adapt to my environment and shit ya know

turtles: wassap i got a death wish

like bruh i wouldn't even give a shit if they aint try so hard to be extinct. turtles are the sea version of koalas

dumbass animals