
The Ibay Adventure

2021-05-25 . Written by fishie

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Be Me

as all of my stories this started when i wanted to stalk someone. but i didnt know their ibay page. i knew it existed i just didnt know what it was. so after very little research i noticed that ibay has an interesting url

as you can see at the end is an ID. the Id is given to the user when an account is created. the way ids work is it starts with 0 and for every account that's created it adds a +1

now that we got that out of the way lets look at the code. now i do not publish the full code to any of my projects as i dont want some script kiddy to just rip it and go around abusing it so i wont be discussing the full code here. only the basics

for the basis i used Html Agility Pack. its a library im comfortable using

using HtmlAgilityPack;

the concept is pretty simple first i make a loop

      for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)

then i have the url point to the var i. and then just scrap way

var Url = $"{i}"; //construct url
        var htmlDoc = web.Load(Url); //get html string
        if (htmlDoc.Text != "Bad User ID") //check to see if user exists
          Username = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.Descendants("span").Where(
            node => node.GetAttributeValue("style", "").Equals("margin: 0px;font-size:1.5em;font-weight:bold;")).FirstOrDefault()?.InnerText; //get the username text
          Username = Regex.Replace(Username, @"\t|\n|\r| ", ""); //clean up text
          Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

now there is a reason for why it checks for the string "Bad User ID" this is cause the user doesn't exist. so ibay gives a error saying "Bad User ID".

after this is done i move on to saving the data to a csv file

sb.AppendFormat("\n{0},{1}", Url, Username); //convert to csv format
        Console.WriteLine("Url: " + Url + " | User: " + Username); //output to console
        File.AppendAllText("data.csv", sb.ToString()); //write to file
        sb.Clear(); //clear string for next loop

its as simple as that. just leave this bad boy running for a few days and you should have a list of all ibay accounts.

now yes i didnt include any error handling in case of a time out. the reason is i was just running this code in the background and anytime it crashed i just manually changed the start of the loop to continue from the place it left off. i did not find the need to make it fully automated

the src file is on my Github